Auxillia Mnangagwa a CIO Mole Deployed by Mugabe to Monitor Her Husband

By Peter Bolder|
Now Daily|

Vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa’s wife Auxillia has been exposed as a key member of Robert Mugabe’s dreaded secret police, the CIO, sent by the dictator to monitor her husband.
High-level sources told Now Daily that Auxillia Mnangagwa was deployed by Mugabe to monitor Mnangagwa at a time when the former state security minister was thought to pose a threat to the dictator. She remained in the shadows until Mnangagwa’s ‘real’ wife, national hero Josiah Tongogara’s sister, died recently.
Sources confirmed that as recently as 2013, Auxillia Mnangagwa was passing damaging information about her husband to Mugabe.
“Ngwena doesnt trust Auxillia and she only became visible after his first wife died. He knows she is a plant and her job is to pass information about him to Gushungo’s people. We know that she is the one who told him about Ngwena’s many girlfriends and children. Gushungo used the information to discredit Ngwena as a womaniser before the 2013 elections,” said a Mnangagwa family source.
A Herald interview published Saturday pointedly made no reference to when Auxillia Mnangagwa had married the vice president or how many children they had. However, she claimed to have joined the CIO in 1992 when Mnangagwa was its de facto head. She said she got an elite post disguised as a ‘security officer’ at the Sheraton hotel, now Rainbow Towers. She claims to have resigned in 1997. However, former state security minister Sidney Sekeramayi revealed recently that CIO spooks served the organisation for life and were not allowed to resign. Auxillia Mnangagwa was deployed to the University of Zimbabwe but fled the institution at the height of student unrest in 1999 after her cover was blown. She claims there was ‘political instability’ then. She then went underground in Switzerland.
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